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Waxing precautions and warnings left unchecked could leave your skin extremely red, burned or scabby.  If you’re ever unsure about waxing for any reason, always do a patch test first. This only a reference guide, talk to your doctor or waxing technician if you have any concerns or questions.


When to Be Cautious:

You’re pregnant, take birth control, hormone replacement or antibiotics.  Your skin may be more sensitive to waxing, so it’s best to have a patch test (like it a small area on your arm) and see how your skin reacts for 24 hours before getting an entire eyebrow or leg wax.
Smokers or those with Rosacea.  Waxing can irritate dilated capillaries (weak or broken blood vessels) which are commonly found on people with rosacea and smokers.  If the capillaries are very red, stay away from waxing in that area.
You take blood thinners, have diabetes, phlebitis or want post-cancer hair growth in side-burn area removed. These all relate to medical conditions, so first get your doctor’s approval before waxing.
You use powerful exfoliators on your skin. Salicylic acid, alpha-hydroxy acid or enzymes all strip cells from the skin.  It’s all too much exfoliation combined with waxing and could make skin red, bleed or even turn scabby.  So stop using these products in the area getting waxed for three days before, and three to four days after waxing.
You recently drank a lot of caffeine or alcohol. These stimulants in your system can cause skin to be extra sensitive to waxing, meaning you could get more red or inflamed than usual.  Give yourself a couple hours after drinking coffee or alcohol before getting waxed.

When not to wax:

You currently take Accutane, or have stopped taking it less than a year ago.
You use Retin-A
You have lupus or AIDS
You recently got Botox or collagen injections, waxing shouldn’t be done in that area.
You are in cancer therapy getting chemotherapy or radiation.
Leg waxing if you have varicose veins.
You have been in direct sunlight for a long period of time or tanning bed within the last 24 hours.

Areas not to wax:

Irritated, inflamed, cut or sunburned skin
Anywhere that has pimples, cold sores, moles or warts
Remember, even if you can’t get waxing done, there are other hair removal options such as tweezing, threading, sugaring or depilatories.
Other issues from waxing like ingrown hairs, pain, bumps, bruising and more can also occur.


Pre-waxing Tips:

Reduce waxing pain? Yes you can! The first time getting waxed in an area hurts the most and does get less painful each time after. Hard to believe when your hair has just been ripped out for the first time, but it's true. Here are some simple steps you can take to reduce waxing pain, whether you have been waxed before or not.
1. Do dull the nerves
Prior to waxing apply something to numb the skin. Take an aspirin or ibuprofen about 30 - 45 minutes before your wax. This is especially helpful when getting waxed above the lip, chest, bikini and genital areas- which top the list as the most pain-provoking areas.
2. Do reduce acidity
Smoking and regular caffeine and alcohol comsumption creates a lot of acid in the body's system. You might benefit from taking something like Tums 20 minutes before your service to reduce acidity and therefore reduce skin's sensitivity.
3. Do use a body scrub
While the skin on the face is generally exfoliated enough in terms of waxing, the body needs a little extra help. A somewhat gritty body scrub will help rid dead cells around skin pores and hair follicle, providing an easier exit.
4. Don't apply astringent or toner
These tighten the pores and can make a firmer hold on the hair follicle. So hold off right before waxing.

5. Don't use ice for numbing
You might think that ice would be great to numb skin and reduce waxing pain. But applying anything cold to the skin tightens pores. It's the same principle as above, we want pores nice and relaxed.

6. Don't drink a lot of caffeine or alcohol
While having a couple glass of wine or beer before getting waxed sounds like a great idea, stimulants in the system can cause skin to be extra sensitive to waxing. Give yourself a couple hours after drinking coffee or alcohol before getting waxed. Instead, drink a lot of water to hydrate your body and skin.
7. Don't think waxing at home will be easy
It's hard to do on yourself, and will really hurt if you don't know what you're doing.

Post-treatment for waxing

To ensure maximum comfort and benefit after the treatment, it is important to follow the steps below at home:
Avoid applying heat to the waxed area for 12-24 hours. This includes hot baths, sauna, and steam.
Avoid tanning for 12-24 hours. This includes any ultraviolet (UV) light exposure or tanning bed treatments.
Avoid applying highly fragranced products to the waxed area. This includes perfume, scented body lotions, antiperspirants, cosmetics or feminine hygiene sprays. Only use professional products recommended to you by the esthetician who performed your waxing service.
Avoid using harsh abrasives or exfoliants on the waxed area. If you are prone to ingrown hairs, loofah mittens or exfoliating scrubs can be used once the hair has started to grow back.
Avoid applying high SPF sunblocks to the waxed area 12-24 hours after waxing service. Sunscreen chemicals can be irritating to the newly waxed skin. This includes self-tanning products and tan accelerators.
Any redness of the skin should disappear within 12-24 hours after your waxing treatment. Slight pinking is normal and indicates that the hair was removed from the root, rather than superficially broken off, as in shaving.  This is the reason professional waxing lasts so much longer.

For best results, repeat your professional waxing procedure every 4-6 weeks depending on the area and your individual rate of hair growth.
If you have any questions about your waxing service or after care at home, please do not hesitate to call your esthetician.

What Are Eyelash Extensions?

Eyelash Extensions are a popular new service and product that lengthens and thickens your own natural eyelashes. Lash Extensions are single strands of synthetic eyelashes that are curved to replicate a natural eyelash. They are applied to each individual natural eyelash one by one for a natural, beautiful and luscious look. Eyelash Extensions are perfect for special occasions or for day to day wear.

What do Eyelash Extensions look like when applied?
With proper application, meaning one synthetic eyelash applied to one natural lash the look and feel is completely natural looking and real. Noone will know you have extensions. They will just think you were born with beautiful, long lashes!

How long will a set of Eyelash Extensions Last?
When applied properly, eyelash extensions will last the length of the natural growth cycle of your eyelashes. Everyone's experience will differ based on day to day activities but over all touchups should only be required every 2 to 3 weeks. A special waterproof bonding agent is used. Glue does not contain any fumes or irritants and is long lasting.

How often should I get touch-ups?
We recommend getting a touch up every 2 to 3 weeks. If you wait too long your eyelash extensions will fall out and you will require a full set. Your natural eyelashes fall off every 45 - 60 days due to the natural growth cycle and are naturally replaced with the growth of a new eyelash. Other factors such as expsoure to steam or touching your eyes alot may cause the extensions to fall sooner. A touch up is needed to fill in any lashes that fallen. Touch ups average about 45 minutes.

Can I apply mascara to Eyelash Extensions?
Yes, even though mascara is not really required since the extensions actually give the illusion of wearing mascara it can be worn.. It must however only be water based mascara. DO NOT USE OIL-BASED OR WATER-PROOF MASCARA. Waterproof mascara or any type of oil based mascara can dissolve the bonding agent and shorten the life of your eyelash extensions causing them to fall sooner. Care also needs to be taken in washing off the mascara. Only use a water based eye makeup remover.

Can I swim, shower, exercise, or visit a spa while wearing Eyelash Extensions?
Yes. The bonding agent we use is waterproof and allows you to shower, swim, exercise etc. Special care is required but overall maintenance is low. We do recommend however that you do not wash your eye area for about 12- 24 hours after the eyelash application.

Can I use Eyelash Curlers with Eyelash Extensions?
We do not recommend using mechanical eyelash curlers on your eyelash extensions as these curlers will damage the extensions and possibly your own natural lashes. The extensions do have a natural curl but if more of a curl is required we recommend using a heated eyelash curler.

How do I take care of my new Eyelash Extensions?

Do not get lashes wet for12- 24 hours
Avoid hot steam or sauna
Avoid running water directly on your lashes
Do not rub your eyes
Only use water based mascara (optional)
If applying mascara do so from middle to tip, avoid root area
Use water based eye makeup remover
Do not perm your lashes
Do not use a mechanical eyelash curler
Do not pull on your lashes (this may cause your natural lashes to come out prematurely)

Is the product FDA approved? Is it safe?
Currently the FDA is not regulating eyelash extensions because the eyelash extensions are applied to the natural eyelash hairs and do not touch the skin. The application process is pain-free and relaxing that most clients fall asleep during the procedure. However, improper application by an unqualified eyelash technician can cause damage to your natural lashes. We recommend only using a Certified Eyelash Extension Specialist.

How long will it take to Apply Eyelash Extensions and how is it done?
The application process for lash extensions normally takes anywhere from 45 min. - 1.5 hours with someone who is experienced doing these. If you go to a newly certified professional it may take up to 3 hours. You will lay comfortably on a massage or facial table with your eyes closed. The Eyelash professional will then apply an under eye gel pad to cover your lower lashes . Then the extensions will be applied to each individual eyelash on a hair by hair basis.

How do I choose the look I want?
Eyelash extensions are available in a number of lengths and thickness. We normally consult with you first to see what type of style you are interested in. We also determine what your lashes can hold in regards to size. Each person's lashes will vary in strength and length. We take this into consideration when creating a look for you. The overall look of the lashes is very natural. There are also available though Polished three different lash sets ranging from girl next door to Hollywood glamour.

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